The essential foundation of MCCA's educational philosophy is what God has revealed in the Bible about Who He is and who we are in relation to Him. Accordingly, the primary aim of the school is to spiritually, intellectually, and socially train the student to experience life to the fullest as God shows us in the Scriptures. We reject the notion that education should be religiously neutral or that it is primarily a means of obtaining a good-paying job in the future. We believe that in order for our students to become successful and productive members of society, their first priority is to treasure Christ and His rule over all creation in whatever profession they choose. The end result of a truly Christian education will be responsible young men and women who boldly and compassionately live as witnesses to Christ's rule and transforming power in their families, churches, and communities. This accurately reflects the healthy and balanced growth exemplified in the life of Jesus Himself: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52)
With the above understanding, our objectives for the school year include:
With the above understanding, our objectives for the school year include:
- To encourage personal trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins and for daily, loving obedience to all His will.
- To teach students to treasure God's rule above and beyond all else.
- To integrate Biblical truth into every academic subject to help students develop a thorough and complete Christian worldview.
- To create enthusiasm and excitement for learning.
- To develop sound, basic skills in the early grades which continue to grow into a factual knowledge and Biblical discernment.
- To instill a sense of respect toward authority and a willingness to compassionately serve others.
- To continually evaluate and improve our curriculum and educational program at all levels.
To accomplish these, we believe that students learn best in a safe, structured, disciplined, and loving environment under qualified teachers. We are blessed to have staff members with legitimate academic credentials and/or valuable teaching experience and who see their role first and foremost as a calling to ministry rather than just a job. As role models for Christian faith and life, their personal priorities include a growing relationship with the Lord and a willingness to live according to His Word. This becomes the source of their sacrificial giving of time and talents to our students. They also strive to be knowledgeable in their subject matter so that their teaching can emphasize the mastery of content while at the same time develop the exercise of reasoning. The teacher is to be the final authority in the classroom under God and has the responsibility to lovingly administer discipline firmly and fairly as needed.
Besides our dedicated and gifted staff, another great benefit of MCCA is its small class size. This allows for very personal and specific interaction and accompaniment between teacher and student. While differences in innate ability among students exist in the same classroom, each student is encouraged and challenged to learn to the maximum of his or her individual ability.
Besides our dedicated and gifted staff, another great benefit of MCCA is its small class size. This allows for very personal and specific interaction and accompaniment between teacher and student. While differences in innate ability among students exist in the same classroom, each student is encouraged and challenged to learn to the maximum of his or her individual ability.